Set the mood

Married, dating, or single, February 14th pushes you to pay attention to love. But what if you took it a step further?  What if you set the mood at home to make more love year round?

Try some mood lighting. Every morning, I open all the blinds in the house. Sure, I’ll just have to lower them again at the end of the day. But flooding the house with sunshine makes me happy. Which makes me friendlier, a little more patient, and kinder. So, whether my husband feels it on his way out the door or I’ve got a big smile for a neighbor I see walking my dog, it adds a little more love to the day. And, given the reciprocal nature of love, it creates a pretty nice little feedback loop.

Hit pause. If you’ve got a daily ritual to recharge you’ll be more present and have more to give to the relationships you value. This doesn’t need to be a big production and you may only have a few minutes, but they’re your few minutes. Crank up the music and dance. Light a candle and breathe. Break out the chocolate and savor a few bites. Or hide in the bathroom and read. In a world of overwrought people doing too damn much, calm is the new sexy.

Don’t just hop into bed. I’ve got another little ritual at the end of the day. (It’s possible I’m a creature of habit.) I turn off my phone and turn down the lights. I really do light a candle while I get ready for bed because dim lights and good smells help me unwind. I make a list of to-do’s that might pop into my head in the middle of the night. Then, I read for a few minutes to disconnect my brain from the day. This goes a long way towards a good night’s sleep. Which makes a HUGE difference in the mood I set for the next day.

So, forget this whole, “pay attention to love because it’s Valentine’s” thing. Try something at home today to make yourself a little happier.  Then look for ways to build on it. You won’t just set the mood to be happy. You’ll set the mood to feel confident. Generous. Funny. Flexible. Loving. All year round. And that is a serious source of attraction. 

What's your favorite way to set the mood for happiness at home?

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