Can your bedroom help you sleep?

Can your bedroom help you sleep?

There’s something almost magical about a good night’s sleep. But when life is crazy it’s hard to come by. Problems feel bigger at 3AM and nobody feels ready to take on the day after a night of racing thoughts. Want to learn how your bedroom can help you get a great night’s rest?

Is food your key to great design?

Is food your key to great design?

Trying to describe what you love in a space is hard. Aren’t you supposed to know all the right terms and styles and colors?  Nope, leave that to professionals like me. All you need to know is what you like. And what’s the easiest ways to learn to communicate about something you’re not familiar with? Relate it to something you do know. Like food! Here's the trick...

6 tips to rock your resolutions

6 tips to rock your resolutions

My favorite part of the New Year? You get to take stock of last year and decide what you want to be different this time around. You set resolutions and feel ready to hit it. Then mid-February rolls around and you remember that making resolutions is the easy part, keeping them is where it gets tough. Not because something’s wrong with you, but because change is hard. No matter how much you want it. Change takes new habits and different ways of thinking. It’s disruptive. It’s uncomfortable. It takes work.

So, how do you ensure 2015 is the year you stick to it and take these bad boys over the finish line?

The secret to surviving winter

The secret to surviving winter

Those first few snowfalls lure you in with their pillowy white softness. And then, before you know it, you're digging your dog out of a snowbank while wearing six layers of clothes under an ankle-length parka. If recent events in Buffalo, NY are any indication, this winter will be a polar vortex-filled fun fest. Here's the secret to your survival...